Source code for tmxlib.tile

"""Map tiles"""

from __future__ import division

from tmxlib import helpers

[docs]class TileLikeObject(helpers.TileMixin): """Base tile-like object: regular tile or tile object. Has an associated layer and value, and can be flipped, etc. A TileLikeObject is "true" iff there's a tile associated with it. Empty, "false" tiles have a GID of zero. .. note:: Subclasses should use the `_value` attribute for your own purposes. The `value` allows setting itself to TilesetTiles, has checks, etc. """ def __nonzero__(self): """This object is "true" iff there's a tile associated with it. Empty, "false" tiles have a GID of zero. """ return bool(self.gid) __bool__ = __nonzero__ @property def value(self): """Numeric value of a tile, representing the image and transformations. See the TMX format for a hopefully more detailed specification. The upper bits of this number are used for flags: - 0x80000000: tile is flipped horizontally. - 0x40000000: tile is flipped vertically. - 0x20000000: tile is flipped diagonally (axes are swapped). - 0x10000000: tmxlib reserves this bit for now, just because 0x0FFFFFFF is a nice round number. The rest of the value is zero if the layer is empty at the corresponding spot (or an object has no associated tile image), or it holds the GID of the tileset-tile. The GID can be computed as 1 + X + Y where X is the number of tiles in all tilesets preceding the tile's, and Y is the number of the tile within its tileset. The individual parts of value are reflected in individual properties: - flipped_horizontally (0x80000000) - flipped_vertically (0x40000000) - flipped_diagonally (0x20000000) - gid (0x0FFFFFFF) The properties themselves have a `value` attribute, e.g. ``tmxlib.MapTile.flipped_diagonally.value == 0x20000000``. """ return self._value @value.setter
[docs] def value(self, new): try: new = new.gid( except AttributeError: if (new < 0 or (new & TileLikeObject.gid.value) >= raise ValueError('GID not in map!') self._value = new
def __mask_property(mask, value_type=int, shift=0): """Helper for defining mask properties""" def getter(self): return value_type(self.value & mask) def setter(self, new): self.value = ((value_type(new) << shift) & mask) | ( self.value & ~mask) prop = helpers.Property(getter, setter, doc="See the value property") prop.value = mask return prop gid = __mask_property(0x0FFFFFFF) flipped_horizontally = __mask_property(0x80000000, bool, 31) flipped_vertically = __mask_property(0x40000000, bool, 30) flipped_diagonally = __mask_property(0x20000000, bool, 29) def _tileset_tile(self, tilesets): # Get the referenced tileset tile given a list of tilesets # Used tileset_tile, and also in TilesetList's renumbering code, where # the value doesn't match the map's new list of tilesets yet. if self.gid == 0: return None number = self.gid - 1 for tileset in tilesets: num_tiles = len(tileset) if number < num_tiles: return tileset[number] else: number -= num_tiles else: # This error will, unfortunately, probably come way too late raise ValueError('Invalid tile GID: %s', self.gid) @property
[docs] def tileset_tile(self): """Get the referenced tileset tile""" return self._tileset_tile(
[docs] def tileset(self): """Get the referenced tileset""" tileset_tile = self.tileset_tile if tileset_tile: return tileset_tile.tileset else: return None
[docs] def number(self): """Get the number of the referenced tileset tile""" tileset_tile = self.tileset_tile if tileset_tile: return self.tileset_tile.number else: return 0
[docs] def image(self): """Get the image of the tile. (N.B. see full docstring!) N.B. No transformations are applied to the image. This can change in future versions. Use self.tileset_tile.image for future-safe behavior. """ # XXX: Apply transformations... ? tileset_tile = self.tileset_tile if tileset_tile: return self.tileset_tile.image
[docs] def tile_to_image_coordinates(self, x, y): """Transform map-tile pixel coordinates to tileset-tile pixel coords. Handles negative indices in the obvious way. """ if y < 0: y = self.pixel_height + y if x < 0: x = self.pixel_width + x if self.flipped_vertically: y = self.pixel_height - y - 1 if self.flipped_horizontally: x = self.pixel_width - x - 1 if self.flipped_diagonally: x, y = y, x return x, y
@property def pixel_size(self): tileset_tile = self.tileset_tile if tileset_tile: ts_size = tileset_tile.pixel_size if self.flipped_diagonally: return ts_size[1], ts_size[0] else: return ts_size else: return 0, 0
[docs] def get_pixel(self, x, y): """Get the pixel at the given x, y coordinates. Handles negative indices in the obvious way. """ # XXX: Does this work OK with tiles that aren't of the map's tile size? tileset_tile = self.tileset_tile if tileset_tile: tile_coords = self.tile_to_image_coordinates(x, y) return tileset_tile.get_pixel(*tile_coords) else: return 0, 0, 0, 0
[docs] def rotate(self, degrees=90): """Rotate the tile clockwise by the specified number of degrees Note that tiles can only be rotated in 90-degree increments. """ if degrees > 0: mask = (5, 4, 1, 0, 7, 6, 3, 2) else: mask = (3, 2, 7, 6, 1, 0, 5, 4) degrees = -degrees num_steps, remainder = divmod(degrees, 90) if remainder: raise ValueError('Can only rotate in 90 degree increments') code = sum(( self.flipped_horizontally << 2, self.flipped_vertically << 1, self.flipped_diagonally)) for i in range(num_steps): code = mask[code] self.flipped_horizontally = bool((code >> 2) % 2) self.flipped_vertically = bool((code >> 1) % 2) self.flipped_diagonally = bool(code % 2)
[docs] def hflip(self): """Flip the tile horizontally""" self.flipped_horizontally = not self.flipped_horizontally
[docs] def vflip(self): """Flip the tile vertically""" self.flipped_vertically = not self.flipped_vertically
[docs]class MapTile(TileLikeObject): """References a particular spot on a tile layer MapTile object can be hashed and they compare equal if they refer to the same tile of the same layer. init arguments, which become attributes: .. attribute:: layer The associated layer. .. attribute:: pos The associated coordinates, as (x, y), in tile coordinates. See :class:`~tmxlib.tile.TileLikeObject` for attributes and methods shered with tile objects. """ def __init__(self, layer, pos): self.layer = layer x, y = pos if x < 0: x += if y < 0: y += self._pos = x, y @property def _value(self): """Use `value` instead.""" return self.layer.value_at(self.pos) @_value.setter def _value(self, new): return self.layer.set_value_at(self.pos, new) def __repr__(self): flagstring = ''.join(f for (f, v) in zip('HVD', ( self.flipped_horizontally, self.flipped_vertically, self.flipped_diagonally, )) if v) return '<%s %s on %s, gid=%s %s at 0x%x>' % (type(self).__name__, self.pos,, self.gid, flagstring, id(self)) @property
[docs] def pos(self): return self._pos
@property def pixel_pos(self): px_parent = return self.x * px_parent[0], (self.y + 1) * px_parent[1] def __eq__(self, other): try: # Compare to other tiles return self.layer == other.layer and self.pos == other.pos except AttributeError: # Compare to int values return self.value == other def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other def __hash__(self): return hash(('tmxlib map tile', self.layer, self.pos)) @property
[docs] def properties(self): """Properties of the *referenced* tileset-tile .. note:: Changing this will change properties of all tiles using this image. Possibly even across more maps if tilesets are shared. See :class:`~tmxlib.tileset.TilesetTile`. """ tileset_tile = self.tileset_tile if tileset_tile: return else: return {}

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