Source code for tmxlib.layer

"""Map layers"""

from __future__ import division

import array

from tmxlib import helpers, tileset, tile, mapobject, image, fileio

[docs]class LayerList(helpers.NamedElementList): """A list of layers. Allows indexing by name, and can only contain layers of a single map. """ def __init__(self, map, lst=None): = map super(LayerList, self).__init__(lst)
[docs] def stored_value(self, layer): """Prevent layers that aren't from this map. """ if != raise ValueError('Incompatible layer') return layer
[docs]class Layer(object): """Base class for map layers init agruments, which become attributes: .. attribute:: map The map this layer belongs to. Unlike tilesets, layers are tied to a particular map and cannot be shared. .. attribute:: name Name of the layer .. attribute:: visible A boolean setting whether the layer is visible at all. (Actual visibility also depends on `opacity`) .. attribute:: opacity Floating-point value for the visibility of the layer. (Actual visibility also depends on `visible`) Other attributes: .. attribute:: properties Dict of properties with string (or unicode) keys and values. .. attribute:: type ``'tiles'`` if this is a tile layer, ``'objects'`` if it's an object layer, ``'image'`` for an object layer. .. attribute:: index Index of this layer in the layer list A Layer is false in a boolean context iff it is empty, that is, if all tiles of a tile layer are false, or if an object layer contains no objects. """ def __init__(self, map, name, visible=True, opacity=1): super(Layer, self).__init__() = map = name self.visible = visible self.opacity = opacity = {} @property
[docs] def index(self): return
def __repr__(self): return '<%s #%s: %r at 0x%x>' % (type(self).__name__, self.index,, id(self))
[docs] def all_tiles(self): """Yield all tiles in this layer, including empty ones and tile objects """ return ()
[docs] def all_objects(self): """Yield all objects in this layer """ return ()
def __nonzero__(self): raise NotImplementedError('Layer.__nonzero__ is virtual')
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Export to a dict compatible with Tiled's JSON plugin""" d = dict(, opacity=self.opacity, visible=self.visible,,, x=0, y=0, ) if d['properties'] = return d
[docs] def from_dict(cls, dct, *args, **kwargs): """Import from a dict compatible with Tiled's JSON plugin""" subclass = dict( tilelayer=TileLayer, objectgroup=ObjectLayer, imagelayer=ImageLayer, )[dct['type']] return subclass.from_dict(dct, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]class TileLayer(Layer): """A tile layer Acts as a 2D array of MapTile's, indexed by [x, y] coordinates. Assignment is possible either via numeric values, or by assigning a TilesetTile. In the latter case, if the tileset is not on the map yet, it is added. See :class:`Layer` documentation for most init arguments. Other init agruments, which become attributes: .. attribute:: data Optional list (or array) containing the values of tiles in the layer, as one long list in row-major order. See :class:`TileLikeObject.value` for what the numbers will mean. """ def __init__(self, map, name, visible=True, opacity=1, data=None): super(TileLayer, self).__init__(map=map, name=name, visible=visible, opacity=opacity) data_size = map.width * map.height if data is None: = array.array('L', [0] * data_size) else: if len(data) != data_size: raise ValueError('Invalid layer data size') = array.array('L', data) self.encoding = 'base64' self.compression = 'zlib' self.type = 'tiles' def _data_index(self, pos): """Get an index for the data array from (x, y) coordinates """ x, y = pos if x < 0: x += if y < 0: y += return x + y *
[docs] def __setitem__(self, pos, value): """Set the tile at the given position The set value can be either an raw integer value, or a TilesetTile. In the latter case, any tileset not in the map yet will be added to it. Supports negative indices by wrapping in the obvious way. """ if isinstance(value, tileset.TilesetTile): try: value = value.gid( except helpers.TilesetNotInMapError: # Add the tileset value = value.gid( elif value < 0 or (value & 0x0FFF) >= raise ValueError('GID not in map!')[self._data_index(pos)] = int(value)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, pos): """Get a MapTile representing the tile at the given position. Supports negative indices by wrapping in the obvious way. """ return tile.MapTile(self, pos)
[docs] def all_tiles(self): """Yield all tiles in this layer, including empty ones. """ for y in range( for x in range( yield self[x, y]
[docs] def value_at(self, pos): """Return the value at the given position See :class:`MapTile` for an explanation of the value. """ return[self._data_index(pos)]
[docs] def set_value_at(self, pos, new): """Sets the raw value at the given position See :class:`MapTile` for an explanation of the value. """[self._data_index(pos)] = new
def __nonzero__(self): return any(self.all_tiles()) __bool__ = __nonzero__
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Export to a dict compatible with Tiled's JSON plugin""" d = super(TileLayer, self).to_dict() d.update(dict( data=list(, type='tilelayer', )) return d
[docs] def from_dict(cls, dct, map): """Import from a dict compatible with Tiled's JSON plugin""" helpers.assert_item(dct, 'type', 'tilelayer') helpers.assert_item(dct, 'width', map.width) helpers.assert_item(dct, 'height', map.height) helpers.assert_item(dct, 'x', 0) helpers.assert_item(dct, 'y', 0) self = cls( map=map, name=dct.pop('name'), visible=dct.pop('visible', True), opacity=dct.pop('opacity', 1), data=dct.pop('data'), )'properties', {})) return self
[docs]class ImageLayer(Layer): """An image layer See :class:`Layer` documentation for most init arguments. Other init agruments, which become attributes: .. attribute:: image The image to use for the layer """ type = 'image' def __init__(self, map, name, visible=True, opacity=1, image=None): super(ImageLayer, self).__init__(map=map, name=name, visible=visible, opacity=opacity) self.image = image def __nonzero__(self): """An ImageLayer is "true" iff there's an image set on it.""" return bool(self.image) __bool__ = __nonzero__
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Export to a dict compatible with Tiled's JSON plugin""" d = super(ImageLayer, self).to_dict() d.update(dict( type='imagelayer', image=self.image.source, )) return d
[docs] def from_dict(cls, dct, map): """Import from a dict compatible with Tiled's JSON plugin""" helpers.assert_item(dct, 'type', 'imagelayer') helpers.assert_item(dct, 'width', map.width) helpers.assert_item(dct, 'height', map.height) helpers.assert_item(dct, 'x', 0) helpers.assert_item(dct, 'y', 0) self = cls( map=map, name=dct.pop('name'), visible=dct.pop('visible', True), opacity=dct.pop('opacity', 1),'image')), )'properties', {})) return self
[docs]class ObjectLayer(Layer, helpers.NamedElementList): """A layer of objects. Acts as a :class:`named list <tmxlib.helpers.NamedElementList>` of objects. This means semantics similar to layer/tileset lists: indexing by name is possible, where a name references the first object of such name. See :class:`Layer` for inherited init arguments. ObjectLayer-specific init arguments, which become attributes: .. attribute:: color The intended color of objects in this layer, as a triple of floats (0..1) """ def __init__(self, map, name, visible=True, opacity=1, color=None): super(ObjectLayer, self).__init__(map=map, name=name, visible=visible, opacity=opacity) self.type = 'objects' self.color = color
[docs] def all_tiles(self): """Yield all tile objects in this layer, in order. """ for obj in self: if obj.objtype == 'tile': yield obj
[docs] def all_objects(self): """Yield all objects in this layer (i.e. return self) """ return self
[docs] def stored_value(self, item): if item.layer is not self: raise ValueError('Incompatible object') return item
def __nonzero__(self): return bool(len(self)) __bool__ = __nonzero__
[docs] def to_dict(self): """Export to a dict compatible with Tiled's JSON plugin""" d = super(ObjectLayer, self).to_dict() d.update(dict( type='objectgroup', objects=[o.to_dict() for o in self] )) if self.color: d['color'] = '#' + fileio.to_hexcolor(self.color) return d
[docs] def from_dict(cls, dct, map): """Import from a dict compatible with Tiled's JSON plugin""" helpers.assert_item(dct, 'type', 'objectgroup') helpers.assert_item(dct, 'width', map.width) helpers.assert_item(dct, 'height', map.height) helpers.assert_item(dct, 'x', 0) helpers.assert_item(dct, 'y', 0) color = dct.pop('color', None) if color: color = fileio.from_hexcolor(color) self = cls( map=map, name=dct.pop('name'), visible=dct.pop('visible', True), opacity=dct.pop('opacity', 1), color=color, )'properties', {})) for obj in dct.pop('objects', {}): self.append(mapobject.MapObject.from_dict(obj, self)) return self

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