Source code for tmxlib

"""Library for handling "TMX" tile maps, such as those made by the Tiled editor

For the Tiled map editor

from __future__ import division

__version__ = '0.1.0'

__copyright__ = "Copyright 2011, Petr Viktorin"
__author__ = 'Petr Viktorin'
__email__ = ''

import array
import collections
import contextlib
import itertools

import six

from tmxlib import fileio

[docs]class TilesetNotInMapError(ValueError): """Raised when trying to remove a tileset from a map that is uses its tiles """
[docs]class NamedElementList(collections.MutableSequence): """A list that supports indexing by element name, as a convenience, etc ``lst[some_name]`` means the first `element` where `` == some_name``. The dict-like ``get`` method is provided. Additionally, NamedElementList subclasses can use several hooks to control how their elements are stored or what is allowed as elements. """ def __init__(self, lst=None): """Initialize this list from an iterable""" if lst is None: self.list = [] else: self.list = [self.stored_value(item) for item in lst] def _get_index(self, index_or_name): """Get the list index corresponding to a __getattr__ (etc.) argument Raises KeyError if a name is not found. """ if isinstance(index_or_name, six.string_types): for i, element in enumerate(self): if self.retrieved_value(element).name == index_or_name: return i else: raise KeyError(index_or_name) else: return index_or_name def __len__(self): """Return the length of this list""" return len(self.list) def __iter__(self): """Return an iterator for this list""" return iter(self.list) def __contains__(self, item_or_name): """ `item_or_name` in `self` NamedElementLists can be queried either by name or by item. """ if isinstance(item_or_name, six.string_types): return any(i for i in self.list if self.retrieved_value(i).name == item_or_name) else: return self.stored_value(item_or_name) in self.list def __setitem__(self, index_or_name, value): """Same as list's, but non-slice indices may be names instead of ints. """ with self.modification_context(): if isinstance(index_or_name, slice): self.list[index_or_name] = (self.stored_value(i) for i in value) else: stored = self.stored_value(value) self.list[self._get_index(index_or_name)] = stored def __getitem__(self, index_or_name): """Same as list's, except non-slice indices may be names. """ if isinstance(index_or_name, slice): return [self.retrieved_value(item) for item in self.list[index_or_name]] else: index = self._get_index(index_or_name) return self.retrieved_value(self.list[index])
[docs] def get(self, index_or_name, default=None): """Same as __getitem__, but a returns default if not found """ try: index = self._get_index(index_or_name) return self[index_or_name] except (IndexError, KeyError): return default
def __delitem__(self, index_or_name): """Same as list's, except non-slice indices may be names instead of ints. """ with self.modification_context(): if isinstance(index_or_name, slice): del self.list[index_or_name] else: del self.list[self._get_index(index_or_name)]
[docs] def insert(self, index_or_name, value): """Same as list.insert, except indices may be names instead of ints. """ index = self._get_index(index_or_name) with self.modification_context(): self.list.insert(index, self.stored_value(value))
[docs] def insert_after(self, index_or_name, value): """Insert the new value after the position specified by index_or_name For numerical indexes, the same as ``insert(index + 1, value)``. Useful when indexing by strings. """ with self.modification_context(): index = self._get_index(index_or_name) + 1 self.list.insert(index, self.stored_value(value))
[docs] def move(self, index_or_name, amount): """Move an item by the specified number of indexes `amount` can be negative. For example, "move layer down" translates to ``layers.move(idx, -1)`` The method will clamp out-of range amounts, so, for eample, ``lst.move(0, -1)`` will do nothing. """ with self.modification_context(): index = self._get_index(index_or_name) new_index = index + amount if new_index < 0: new_index = 0 self.insert(new_index, self.pop(index))
def __repr__(self): return repr([self.retrieved_value(i) for i in self.list])
[docs] def stored_value(self, item): """Called when an item is being inserted into the list. Return the object that will actually be stored. To prevent incompatible items, subclasses may raise an exception here. This method must undo any modifications that retrieved_value does. """ return item
[docs] def retrieved_value(self, item): """Called when an item is being retrieved from the list. Return the object that will actually be retrieved. This method must undo any modifications that stored_value does. """ return item
[docs] def modification_context(self): """Context in which all modifications take place. The default implementation nullifies the modifications if an exception is raised. Note that the manager may nest, in which case the outermost one should be treated as an atomic operation. """ previous = list(self.list) try: yield except: self.list = previous raise
[docs]class LayerList(NamedElementList): """A list of layers. Allows indexing by name, and can only contain layers of a single map. """ def __init__(self, map, lst=None): = map super(LayerList, self).__init__(lst)
[docs] def stored_value(self, layer): """Prevent layers that aren't from this map. """ if != raise ValueError('Incompatible layer') return layer
[docs]class TilesetList(NamedElementList): """A list of tilesets. Allows indexing by name. Whenever the list is changed, GIDs of tiles in the associated map are renumbered to match the new set of tilesets. """ def __init__(self, map, lst=None): = map self._being_modified = False super(TilesetList, self).__init__(lst) @contextlib.contextmanager
[docs] def modification_context(self): """Context manager that "wraps" modifications to the tileset list While this manager is active, the map's tiles are invalid and should not be touched. After all modification_contexts exit, tiles are renumbered to match the new tileset list. This means that multiple operations on the tileset list can be wrapped in a modification_context for efficiency. If a used tileset is removed, an exception will be raised whenever the outermost modification_context exits. """ if self._being_modified: # Ignore inner context yield else: self._being_modified = True try: with super(TilesetList, self).modification_context(): previous_tilesets = list(self.list) yield # skip renumbering if tilesets were appended, or unchanged if previous_tilesets != self.list[:len(previous_tilesets)]: self._renumber_map(previous_tilesets) if > 0x0FFFFFFF: raise ValueError('Too many tiles to be represented') finally: self._being_modified = False
def _renumber_map(self, previous_tilesets): """Renumber tiles in the map after tilesets are changed This reassigns the GIDs of tiles to match the new situation. If an used tilesed was removed, raise a ValueError. (Note that this method by itself won't restore the previous state.) """ gid_map = dict() for tile in if tile and tile.gid not in gid_map: tileset_tile = tile._tileset_tile(previous_tilesets) try: gid_map[tile.gid] = tileset_tile.gid( except TilesetNotInMapError: msg = 'Cannot remove %s: map contains its tiles' raise ValueError(msg % tileset_tile.tileset) for tile in if tile: tile.gid = gid_map[tile.gid]
class SizeMixin(object): """Provides `width` and `height` properties that get/set a 2D size Subclasses will need a `size` property, a pair of values. Note: setting width or height will set size to a new tuple. """ @property def width(self): """Width of this object, i.e. self.size[0] """ return self.size[0] @width.setter def width(self, value): self.size = value, self.size[1] @property def height(self): """Height of this object, i.e. self.size[1] """ return self.size[1] @height.setter def height(self, value): self.size = self.size[0], value def _wrap_coords(self, x, y): if x < 0: x += self.width if y < 0: y += self.height return x, y
[docs]class Map(fileio.ReadWriteBase, SizeMixin): """A tile map. tmxlib's core class init arguments, which become attributes: .. attribute:: size a (height, width) pair specifying the size of the map, in tiles .. attribute:: tile_size a pair specifying the size of one tile, in pixels .. attribute:: orientation The orientation of the map (``'orthogonal'`` or ``'isometric'``) Other attributes: .. attribute:: tilesets A :class:`TilesetList` of tilesets this map uses .. attribute:: layers A :class:`LayerList` of layers this map uses .. attribute:: properties A dict of properties, with string (or unicode) keys & values .. attribute:: pixel_size The size of the map, in pixels. Not settable directly: use `size` and `tile_size` for that. .. attribute:: end_gid The first GID that is not available for tiles. This is the end_gid for the map's last tileset. Unpacked size attributes: Each "size" property has corresponding "width" and "height" properties. .. attribute:: height .. attribute:: width .. attribute:: tile_height .. attribute:: tile_width .. attribute:: pixel_height .. attribute:: pixel_width """ _rw_obj_type = 'map' # XXX: Fully implement, test, and document base_path: # This should be used for saving, so that relative paths work as # correctly as they can. # And it's not just here... def __init__(self, size, tile_size, orientation='orthogonal', base_path=None): self.orientation = orientation self.size=size self.tile_size = tile_size self.tilesets = TilesetList(self) self.layers = LayerList(self) = {} self.base_path = base_path @property def tile_width(self): return self.tile_size[0] @tile_width.setter
[docs] def tile_width(self, value): self.tile_size = value, self.tile_size[1]
@property def tile_height(self): return self.tile_size[1] @tile_height.setter
[docs] def tile_height(self, value): self.tile_size = self.tile_size[0], value
[docs] def pixel_size(self): return self.pixel_width, self.pixel_height
[docs] def pixel_width(self): return self.width * self.tile_width
[docs] def pixel_height(self): return self.height * self.tile_height
[docs] def end_gid(self): return self.tilesets[-1].end_gid(self)
[docs] def add_layer(self, name, before=None, after=None): """Add an empty layer with the given name to the map. By default, the new layer is added at the end of the layer list. A different position may be specified with either of the `before` or `after` arguments, which may be integer indices or names. """ new_layer = TileLayer(self, name) if after is not None: if before is not None: raise ValueError("Can't specify both before and after") self.layers.insert_after(after, new_layer) elif before is not None: self.layers.insert(before, new_layer) else: self.layers.append(new_layer) return new_layer
[docs] def all_tiles(self): """Yield all tiles in the map, including tile objects """ for layer in self.layers: for tile in layer.all_tiles(): yield tile
[docs] def all_objects(self): """Yield all objects in the map """ for layer in self.layers: for obj in layer.all_objects(): yield obj
[docs] def get_tiles(self, x, y): """For each tile layer, yield the tile at the given position. """ for layer in self.layers: if layer.type == 'tiles': yield layer[x, y]
[docs] def check_consistency(self): """Check that this map is okay. Most checks are done when reading a map, but if more are required, call this method after reading. This will do a more expensive check than what's practical from within readers. """ large_gid = self.end_gid for tile in self.all_tiles(): assert tile.gid < large_gid
[docs]class TilesetTile(SizeMixin): """Reference to a tile within a tileset init arguents, which become attributes: .. attribute:: tileset the tileset this tile belongs to .. attribute:: number the number of the tile Other attributes: .. attribute:: size The size of the tile, in pixels .. attribute:: properties A string-to-string dictionary holding custom properties of the tile .. attribute:: image Image this tile uses. Most often this will be a :class:`region <ImageRegion>` of the tileset's image. """ def __init__(self, tileset, number): self.tileset = tileset self.number = number
[docs] def gid(self, map): """Return the GID of this tile for a given map The GID is a map-specific identifier unique for any tileset-tile the map uses. """ return self.tileset.first_gid(map) + self.number
[docs] def size(self): return self.tileset.tile_size
[docs] def properties(self): return self.tileset.tile_properties[self.number]
def __eq__(self, other): return self.number == other.number and self.tileset is other.tileset def __ne__(self, other): return not (self == other) def __repr__(self): return '<TilesetTile #%s of %s at 0x%x>' % (self.number,, id(self)) @property
[docs] def image(self): return self.tileset.tile_image(self.number)
[docs] def get_pixel(self, x, y): """Get a pixel at the specified location. Pixels are returned as RGBA 4-tuples. """ return self.image.get_pixel(x, y)
[docs]class Tileset(fileio.ReadWriteBase): """Base class for a tileset: bank of tiles a map can use. There are two kinds of tilesets: external and internal. Internal tilesets are specific to a map, and their contents are saved inside the map file. External tilesets are saved to their own file, so they may be shared between several maps. (Of course, any tileset can be shared between maps at the Python level; this distinction only applies to what happens on disk.) External tilesets have the file path in their `source` attribute; internal ones have `source` set to None. tmxlib will try to ensure that each external tileset gets only loaded once, an the resulting Python objects are shared. See :meth:`` for more information. init arguments, which become attributes: .. attribute:: name Name of the tileset .. attribute:: tile_size: A (width, height) pair giving the size of a tile in this tileset. In cases where a tileset can have unequally sized tiles, the tile size is not defined. This means that this property should not be used unless working with a specific subclass that defines tile_size better. .. attribute:: source For external tilesets, the file name for this tileset. None for internal ones. Other attributes: .. attribute:: properties A dict with string (or unicode) keys and values. Note that the official TMX format does not support tileset properties (`yet <>`_), so editors like Tiled will remove these. (tmxlib saves and loads them just fine, however.) Unpacked versions of `tile_size`: .. attribute:: tile_width .. attribute:: tile_height """ # XXX: When Serializers are official, include note for shared=True: (This # will only work if all the tilesets are loaded with the same Serializer.) column_count = None _rw_obj_type = 'tileset' def __init__(self, name, tile_size, source=None): = name self.tile_size = tile_size self.source = source = {}
[docs] def __getitem__(self, n): """Get tileset tile with the given number. Supports negative indices by wrapping around, as one would expect. """ if n >= 0: return TilesetTile(self, n) else: return TilesetTile(self, len(self) + n)
[docs] def __len__(self): """Return the number of tiles in this tileset. Subclasses need to override this method. """ raise NotImplementedError('Tileset.__len__ is abstract')
[docs] def __iter__(self): """Iterate through tiles in this tileset. """ for i in range(len(self)): yield self[i]
[docs] def first_gid(self, map): """Return the first gid used by this tileset in the given map """ num = 1 for tileset in map.tilesets: if tileset is self: return num else: num += len(tileset) error = TilesetNotInMapError('Tileset not in map') error.tileset = self raise error
[docs] def end_gid(self, map): """Return the first gid after this tileset in the given map """ return self.first_gid(map) + len(self)
[docs] def tile_image(self, number): """Return the image used by the given tile. Usually this will be a region of a larger image. Subclasses need to override this method. """ raise NotImplementedError('Tileset.tile_image')
@property def tile_width(self): """Width of a tile in this tileset. See `size` in the class docstring. """ return self.tile_size[0] @tile_width.setter
[docs] def tile_width(self, value): self.tile_size = value, self.tile_size[1]
@property def tile_height(self): """Height of a tile in this tileset. See `size` in the class docstring. """ return self.tile_size[1] @tile_height.setter
[docs] def tile_height(self, value): self.tile_size = self.tile_size[0], value
def __repr__(self): return '<%s %r at 0x%x>' % (type(self).__name__,, id(self))
[docs]class ImageTileset(Tileset): """A tileset whose tiles form a rectangular grid on a single image. This is the default tileset type in Tiled. init arguments, which become attributes: .. attribute:: name .. attribute:: tile_size .. attribute:: source see :class:`Tileset` .. attribute:: image The :class:`Image` this tileset is based on. .. attribute:: margin Size of a border around the image that does not contain tiles, in pixels. .. attribute:: spacing Space between adjacent tiles, in pixels. Other attributes: .. attribute:: column_count Number of columns of tiles in the tileset .. attribute:: row_count Number of rows of tiles in the tileset """ def __init__(self, name, tile_size, image, margin=0, spacing=0, source=None, base_path=None): super(ImageTileset, self).__init__(name, tile_size, source) self.image = image self.tile_properties = collections.defaultdict(dict) self.margin = margin self.spacing = spacing self.base_path = base_path def __len__(self): return self.column_count * self.row_count def _count(self, axis): return ( (self.image.size[axis] - 2 * self.margin + self.spacing) // (self.tile_size[axis] + self.spacing) ) @property
[docs] def column_count(self): """Number of columns in the tileset""" return self._count(0)
[docs] def row_count(self): """Number of rows in the tileset""" return self._count(1)
[docs] def tile_image(self, number): """Return the image used by the given tile""" y, x = divmod(number, self.column_count) left = self.margin + x * (self.tile_width + self.spacing) top = self.margin + y * (self.tile_height + self.spacing) return ImageRegion(self.image, (left, top), self.tile_size)
[docs]class ImageBase(SizeMixin): """Provide __getitem__ and __setitem__ for images""" def __getitem__(self, pos): """Get the pixel at the specified (x, y) position""" x, y = pos return self.get_pixel(x, y) def __setitem__(self, pos, value): """Set the pixel at the specified (x, y) position""" x, y = pos r, g, b, a = value return self.set_pixel(x, y, value)
[docs]class Image(ImageBase, fileio.ReadWriteBase): """An image. Conceptually, an 2D array of pixels. init arguments that become attributes: .. autoattribute:: data .. autoattribute:: size If given in constructor, the image doesn't have to be decoded to get this information, somewhat speeding up operations that don't require pixel access. If it's given in constructor and it does not equal the actual image size, an exception will be raised as soon as the image is decoded. .. attribute:: source The file name of this image, if it is to be saved separately from maps/tilesets that use it. .. attribute:: trans A color key used for transparency (currently not implemented) Images support indexing (``img[x, y]``) as a shortcut for the get_pixel and set_pixel methods. """ # XXX: Make `trans` actually work # XXX: Make modifying and saving images work _rw_obj_type = 'image' def __init__(self, data=None, trans=None, size=None, source=None): self.trans = trans self._data = data self.source = source self._size = size @property
[docs] def size(self): """Size of the image, in pixels. """ if self._size: return self._size else: self.load_image() # XXX: Not available without an image backend! return self.size
[docs] def data(self): """Data of this image, as read from disk. """ if self._data: return self._data else: self._data = self.serializer.load_file(self.source, base_path=self.base_path) return self._data
[docs] def load_image(self): """Load the image from, and set self._size If self._size is already set, assert that it equals """ raise TypeError('Image data not available')
[docs] def get_pixel(self, x, y): """Get the color of the pixel at position (x, y) as a RGBA 4-tuple. Supports negative indices by wrapping around in the obvious way. """ raise TypeError('Image data not available')
[docs] def set_pixel(self, x, y, value): """Set the color of the pixel at position (x, y) to a RGBA 4-tuple Supports negative indices by wrapping around in the obvious way. """ raise TypeError('Image data not available')
[docs]class ImageRegion(ImageBase): """A rectangular region of a larger image init arguments that become attributes: .. attribute:: image The "parent" image .. attribute:: top_left The coordinates of the top-left corner of the region. Will also available as ``x`` and ``y`` attributes. .. attribute:: size The size of the region. Will also available as ``width`` and ``height`` attributes. """ def __init__(self, image, top_left, size): self.image = image self.top_left = x, y = top_left self.size = size @property def x(self): return self.top_left[0] @x.setter def x(self, value): self.top_left = value, self.top_left[1] @property def y(self): return self.top_left[1] @y.setter def y(self, value): self.top_left = self.top_left[0], value
[docs] def get_pixel(self, x, y): """Get the color of the pixel at position (x, y) as a RGBA 4-tuple. Supports negative indices by wrapping around in the obvious way. """ x, y = self._wrap_coords(x, y) assert 0 <= x < self.width assert 0 <= y < self.height return self.image.get_pixel(x + self.x, y + self.y)
[docs] def set_pixel(self, x, y, value): """Set the color of the pixel at position (x, y) to a RGBA 4-tuple Supports negative indices by wrapping around in the obvious way. """ x, y = self._wrap_coords(x, y) assert 0 <= x < self.width assert 0 <= y < self.height self.image.set_pixel(x + self.x, y + self.y, value)
[docs]class Layer(object): """Base class for map layers init agruments, which become attributes: .. attribute:: map The map this layer belongs to. Unlike tilesets, layers are tied to a particular map and cannot be shared. .. attribute:: name Name of the layer .. attribute:: visible A boolean setting whether the layer is visible at all. (Actual visibility also depends on `opacity`) .. attribute:: opacity Floating-point value for the visibility of the layer. (Actual visibility also depends on `visible`) Other attributes: .. attribute:: properties Dict of properties with string (or unicode) keys and values. .. attribute:: type ``'tiles'`` if this is a tile layer, ``'objects'`` if it's an object layer. .. attribute:: index Index of this layer in the layer list """ def __init__(self, map, name, visible=True, opacity=1): super(Layer, self).__init__() = map = name self.visible = visible self.opacity = opacity = {} @property
[docs] def index(self): return
def __repr__(self): return '<%s #%s: %r at 0x%x>' % (type(self).__name__, self.index,, id(self))
[docs] def all_tiles(self): """Yield all tiles in this layer, including empty ones and tile objects """ raise NotImplementedError('Layer.all_tiles is virtual')
[docs] def all_objects(self): """Yield all objects in this layer """ raise NotImplementedError('Layer.all_objects is virtual')
[docs]class TileLayer(Layer): """A tile layer Acts as a 2D array of MapTile's, indexed by [x, y] coordinates. Assignment is possible either via numeric values, or by assigning a TilesetTile. In the latter case, if the tileset is not on the map yet, it is added. See :class:`Layer` documentation for most init arguments. Other init agruments, which become attributes: .. attribute:: data Optional list (or array) containing the values of tiles in the layer, as one long list in row-major order. See :class:`TileLikeObject.value` for what the numbers will mean. """ def __init__(self, map, name, visible=True, opacity=1, data=None): super(TileLayer, self).__init__(map=map, name=name, visible=visible, opacity=opacity) data_size = map.width * map.height if data is None: = array.array('L', [0] * data_size) else: if len(data) != data_size: raise ValueError('Invalid layer data size') = array.array('L', data) self.encoding = 'base64' self.compression = 'zlib' self.type = 'tiles' def _data_index(self, pos): """Get an index for the data array from (x, y) coordinates """ x, y = pos if x < 0: x += if y < 0: y += return x + y *
[docs] def __setitem__(self, pos, value): """Set the tile at the given position The set value can be either an raw integer value, or a TilesetTile. In the latter case, any tileset not in the map yet will be added to it. Supports negative indices by wrapping in the obvious way. """ if isinstance(value, TilesetTile): try: value = value.gid( except TilesetNotInMapError: # Add the tileset value = value.gid( elif value < 0 or (value & 0x0FFF) >= raise ValueError('GID not in map!')[self._data_index(pos)] = int(value)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, pos): """Get a MapTile representing the tile at the given position. Supports negative indices by wrapping in the obvious way. """ return MapTile(self, pos)
[docs] def all_tiles(self): """Yield all tiles in this layer, including empty ones. """ for x in range( for y in range( yield self[x, y]
[docs] def all_objects(self): """Yield all objects in this layer (i.e. return empty iterable) """ return ()
[docs] def value_at(self, pos): """Return the value at the given position See :class:`MapTile` for an explanation of the value. """ return[self._data_index(pos)]
[docs] def set_value_at(self, pos, new): """Sets the raw value at the given position See :class:`MapTile` for an explanation of the value. """[self._data_index(pos)] = new
class _property(property): """Trivial subclass of the `property` builtin. Allows custom attributes. """ pass class TileLikeObject(SizeMixin): """Base tile-like object: regular tile or tile object. Has an associated layer and value, and can be flipped, etc. Calling all subclasses! Use the `_value` attribute for your own purposes. The `value` allows setting itself to TilesetTiles, has checks, etc. """ def __nonzero__(self): """This object is "true" iff there's a tile associated with it. Empty, "false" tiles have a GID of zero. """ return bool(self.gid) __bool__ = __nonzero__ @property def value(self): """Numeric value of a tile, representing the image and transformations. See the TMX format for a hopefully more detailed specification. The upper bits of this number are used for flags: - 0x80000000: tile is flipped horizontally. - 0x40000000: tile is flipped vertically. - 0x20000000: tile is flipped diagonally (axes are swapped). - 0x10000000: tmxlib reserves this bit for now, just because 0x0FFFFFFF is a nice round number. The rest of the value is zero if the layer is empty at the corresponding spot (or an object has no associated tile image), or it holds the GID of the tileset-tile. The GID can be computed as 1 + X + Y where X is the number of tiles in all tilesets preceding the tile's, and Y is the number of the tile within its tileset. The individual parts of value are reflected in individual properties: - flipped_horizontally (0x80000000) - flipped_vertically (0x40000000) - flipped_diagonally (0x20000000) - gid (0x0FFFFFFF) The properties themselves have a `value` attribute, e.g. ``tmxlib.MapTile.flipped_diagonally.value == 0x20000000``. """ return self._value @value.setter def value(self, new): if isinstance(new, TilesetTile): new = new.gid( elif new < 0 or (new & 0x0FFFFFFF) >= raise ValueError('GID not in map!') self._value = new def __mask_property(mask, value_type=int, shift=0): """Helper for defining mask properties""" def getter(self): return value_type(self.value & mask) def setter(self, new): self.value = ((value_type(new) << shift) & mask) | ( self.value & ~mask) prop = _property(getter, setter, doc="See the value property") prop.value = mask return prop gid = __mask_property(0x0FFFFFFF) flipped_horizontally = __mask_property(0x80000000, bool, 31) flipped_vertically = __mask_property(0x40000000, bool, 30) flipped_diagonally = __mask_property(0x20000000, bool, 29) @property def x(self): return self.pos[0] @x.setter def x(self, value): self.pos = value, self.pos[1] @property def y(self): return self.pos[1] @y.setter def y(self, value): self.pos = self.pos[0], value @property def map(self): """The map associated with this tile""" return def _tileset_tile(self, tilesets): # Get the referenced tileset tile given a list of tilesets # Used tileset_tile, and also in TilesetList's renumbering code, where # the value doesn't match the map's new list of tilesets yet. if self.gid == 0: return None number = self.gid - 1 for tileset in tilesets: num_tiles = len(tileset) if number < num_tiles: return tileset[number] else: number -= num_tiles else: # This error will, unfortunately, probably come way too late raise ValueError('Invalid tile GID: %s', self.gid) @property def tileset_tile(self): """Get the referenced tileset tile""" return self._tileset_tile( @property def tileset(self): """Get the referenced tileset""" tileset_tile = self.tileset_tile if tileset_tile: return tileset_tile.tileset else: return None @property def number(self): """Get the number of the referenced tileset tile""" tileset_tile = self.tileset_tile if tileset_tile: return self.tileset_tile.number else: return 0 @property def image(self): """Get the image of the tile. (N.B. see full docstring!) N.B. No transformations are applied to the image. This can change in future versions. Use self.tileset_tile.image for future-safe behavior. """ # XXX: Apply transformations... ? tileset_tile = self.tileset_tile if tileset_tile: return self.tileset_tile.image def tile_to_image_coordinates(self, x, y): """Transform map-tile pixel coordinates to tileset-tile pixel coords. Handles negative indices in the obvious way. """ if y < 0: y = self.height + y if x < 0: x = self.width + x if self.flipped_vertically: y = self.height - y - 1 if self.flipped_horizontally: x = self.width - x - 1 if self.flipped_diagonally: x, y = y, x return x, y def get_pixel(self, x, y): """Get the pixel at the given x, y coordinates. Handles negative indices in the obvious way. """ # XXX: Does this work OK with tiles that aren't of the map's tile size? tileset_tile = self.tileset_tile if tileset_tile: tile_coords = self.tile_to_image_coordinates(x, y) return tileset_tile.get_pixel(*tile_coords) else: return 0, 0, 0, 0 def rotate(self, degrees=90): """Rotate the tile clockwise by the specified number of degrees Note that tiles can only be rotated in 90-degree increments. """ if degrees > 0: mask = (5, 4, 1, 0, 7, 6, 3, 2) else: mask = (3, 2, 7, 6, 1, 0, 5, 4) degrees = -degrees num_steps, remainder = divmod(degrees, 90) if remainder: raise ValueError('Can only rotate in 90 degree increments') code = sum(( self.flipped_horizontally << 2, self.flipped_vertically << 1, self.flipped_diagonally)) for i in range(num_steps): code = mask[code] self.flipped_horizontally = bool((code >> 2) % 2) self.flipped_vertically = bool((code >> 1) % 2) self.flipped_diagonally = bool(code % 2) def hflip(self): """Flip the tile horizontally""" self.flipped_horizontally = not self.flipped_horizontally def vflip(self): """Flip the tile vertically""" self.flipped_vertically = not self.flipped_vertically
[docs]class MapTile(TileLikeObject): """References a particular spot on a tile layer init arguments, which become attributes: .. attribute:: layer The associated layer. .. attribute:: pos The associated coordinates, as (x, y), in tile coordinates. Other attributes: .. autoattribute:: value .. see TileLikeObject .. attribute:: map The map associated with this object Attributes for accessing to the referenced tile: .. autoattribute:: tileset_tile .. attribute:: size Size of the referenced tile, taking rotation into account. Empty tiles have (0, 0) size. .. autoattribute:: tileset .. autoattribute:: number .. autoattribute:: image .. attribute:: properties Properties of the *referenced* tileset-tile If that wasn't clear enough: Changing this will change properties of all tiles using this image. Possibly even across more maps if tilesets are shared. See :class:`TilesetTile`. Unpacked `pos` and `size` attributes: .. attribute:: x .. attribute:: y .. attribute:: width .. attribute:: height """ def __init__(self, layer, pos): self.layer = layer x, y = pos if x < 0: x += if y < 0: y += self._pos = x, y @property def _value(self): """Use `value` instead.""" return self.layer.value_at(self.pos) @_value.setter def _value(self, new): return self.layer.set_value_at(self.pos, new) def __repr__(self): flagstring = ''.join(f for (f, v) in zip('HVD', ( self.flipped_horizontally, self.flipped_vertically, self.flipped_diagonally, )) if v) return '<%s %s on %s, gid=%s %s at 0x%x>' % (type(self).__name__, self.pos,, self.gid, flagstring, id(self)) @property
[docs] def size(self): tileset_tile = self.tileset_tile if tileset_tile: if self.flipped_diagonally: return tileset_tile.height, tileset_tile.width else: return tileset_tile.size else: return 0, 0
[docs] def pos(self): return self._pos
[docs] def properties(self): tileset_tile = self.tileset_tile if tileset_tile: return else: return {}
def __eq__(self, other): try: # Compare to other tiles return self.layer == other.layer and self.pos == other.pos except AttributeError: # Compare to int values return self.value == other def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other
[docs]class ObjectLayer(Layer, NamedElementList): """A layer of objects. Acts as a :class:`named list <NamedList>` of objects. This means semantics similar to layer/tileset lists: indexing by name is possible, where a name references the first object of such name. See :class:`Layer` for the init arguments. """ def __init__(self, map, name, visible=True, opacity=1): super(ObjectLayer, self).__init__(map=map, name=name, visible=visible, opacity=opacity) self.type = 'objects'
[docs] def all_tiles(self): """Yield all tile objects in this layer, in order. """ for obj in self: if obj.gid: yield obj
[docs] def all_objects(self): """Yield all objects in this layer (i.e. return self) """ return self
[docs] def stored_value(self, item): if item.layer is not self: raise ValueError('Incompatible object') return item
[docs]class MapObject(TileLikeObject, SizeMixin): """A map object: something that's not placed on the fixed grid Can be either a "tile object", which has an associated tile much like a map-tile, or a regular (non-tile) object that has a settable size. init arguments, which become attributes: .. attribute:: layer The layer this object is on .. attribute:: pixel_pos The pixel coordinates .. attribute:: size Size of this object, as a (width, height) tuple, in pixels. Must be specified for non-tile objects, and must *not* be specified for tile objects (unless the size matches the tile). Similar restrictions apply to setting the property (and ``width`` & ``height``). .. attribute:: name Name of the object. A string (or unicode) .. attribute:: type Type of the object. A string (or unicode). No semantics attached. .. attribute:: value Value of the tile, if it's a tile object. See :class:`MapTile` Attributes for accessing to the referenced tile: .. autoattribute:: tileset_tile .. attribute:: size Size of the referenced tile, taking rotation into account. Empty tiles have (0, 0) size. .. autoattribute:: tileset .. autoattribute:: number .. autoattribute:: image .. attribute:: properties Properties of the *referenced* tileset-tile If that wasn't clear enough: Changing this will change properties of all tiles using this image. Possibly even across more maps if tilesets are shared. See :class:`TilesetTile`. Other attributes: .. attribute:: properties Dict of string (or unicode) keys & values for custom data .. attribute:: pos Position of the object in tile coordinates, as a (x, y) float tuple .. attribute:: map The map associated with this object Unpacked `pos`, `pixel_pos`, and `size`: .. attribute:: x .. attribute:: y .. attribute:: pixel_x .. attribute:: pixel_y .. attribute:: width .. attribute:: height """ def __init__(self, layer, pixel_pos, size=None, name=None, type=None, value=0): self.layer = layer self.pixel_pos = pixel_pos = name self.type = type self.value = value if size: self.size = size elif not value: raise ValueError('Size must be given for non-tile objects') = {} @property def pos(self): return (self.pixel_pos[0] /, self.pixel_pos[1] / @pos.setter
[docs] def pos(self, value): x, y = value self.pixel_pos = (x *, y *
@property def pixel_x(self): return self.pixel_pos[0] @pixel_x.setter
[docs] def pixel_x(self, value): self.pixel_pos = value, self.pixel_pos[1]
@property def pixel_y(self): return self.pixel_pos[1] @pixel_y.setter
[docs] def pixel_y(self, value): self.pixel_pos = self.pixel_pos[0], value
@property def size(self): if self.gid: if self.flipped_diagonally: return self.tileset_tile.height, self.tileset_tile.width else: return self.tileset_tile.size else: return self._size @size.setter
[docs] def size(self, value): if self.gid: if value != self.size: raise ValueError("Cannot modify size of tile objects") else: self._size = value