Source code for tmxlib.canvas

"""Provides image drawing/modification capabilities

This module requires PIL_ (or Pillow_) to be installed.

.. _Pillow:
.. _PIL:

from __future__ import division

from six import BytesIO
import contextlib

    from PIL import Image
    from PIL import ImageDraw
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    raise ImportError('The PIL library (Pillow on PyPI) is needed for Canvas')

from tmxlib.image_pil import PilImage

[docs]class Canvas(PilImage): """A mutable image Acts as a regular :class:`~tmxlib.image_base.Image`, except it allows modifications. Some operations, such as taking an ImageRegion, will work on an immutable copy of the canvas. :param commands: An iterable of drawing commands to apply on the canvas right after creation init arguments that become attributes: .. attribute:: size The size of this Canvas. Will also available as ``width`` and ``height`` attributes. .. attribute:: color The initial color the canvas will have """ size = 0, 0 pil_image = None def __init__(self, size=(0, 0), commands=(), color=(0, 0, 0, 0)): self.size = size color = tuple(color) if len(color) == 3: color += (0,) elif len(color) != 4: raise ValueError('invalid color: {0}'.format(color)) self.pil_image ='RGBA', size, color=tuple(int(v * 256) for v in color)) for command in commands: command.draw(self)
[docs] def to_image(self): """Take an immutable copy of this Canvas Returns an :class:`~tmxlib.image_base.Image` """ return PilImage(data=self._repr_png_())
@property def trans(self): return None @trans.setter def trans(self, new_trans): if new_trans is not None: raise ValueError('Canvas does not support trans') def _parent_info(self): return 0, 0, self.to_image() @contextlib.contextmanager def _opacity_layer(self, opacity): """Context manager that yields an image to draw on After drawing, the drawed-upon image will be composed onto the Canvas. """ if opacity == 1: yield self.pil_image else: # Get a fresh image t_image ='RGBA', (self.width, self.height), color=(0, 0, 0, 0)) # Let caller draw into it yield t_image # Reduce its alpha bands = t_image.split() alpha_channel = bands[3] alpha_channel = alpha_channel.point( lambda x: int(x * opacity)) t_image = Image.merge('RGBA', bands[:3] + (alpha_channel, )) # Finally, blit it to the canvas self.pil_image = Image.alpha_composite(self.pil_image, t_image)
[docs] def draw_image(self, image, pos=(0, 0), opacity=1): """Paste the given image at the given position """ if not opacity: return x, y = pos try: parent = image.parent crop = True except AttributeError: parent = image crop = False try: pil_image = parent.pil_image except AttributeError: input = BytesIO(parent._repr_png_()) pil_image ='RGBA') if crop: pil_image = pil_image.crop((image.x, image.y, image.x + image.width, image.y + image.height)) if opacity == 1: self.pil_image.paste(pil_image, (x, y), mask=pil_image) else: with self._opacity_layer(opacity) as ol: ol.paste(pil_image, (x, y))
def draw_rectangle(self, pos, size, color, width=1, opacity=1): """Draw a rectangle """ assert width == 1, 'width != not supported yet' x, y = pos w, h = size color = tuple(int(v * 255) for v in color) with self._opacity_layer(opacity) as ol: draw = ImageDraw.Draw(ol) draw.rectangle((x, y, x + w, y + h), outline=color) def fill_rectangle(self, pos, size, color, width=1, opacity=1): """Draw a rectangle """ assert width == 1, 'width != not supported yet' x, y = pos w, h = size color = tuple(int(v * 255) for v in color) with self._opacity_layer(opacity) as ol: draw = ImageDraw.Draw(ol) draw.rectangle((x, y, x + w, y + h), fill=color)